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主要研究方向:探索表观遗传修饰因子在肿瘤恶性进展过程中的生物学作用和潜在分子机理,发掘靶向治疗药物,为临床肿瘤治疗提供理论依据和个性化治疗新思路。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项、省级项目2项,入选2022年度湖南省“荷尖”人才(原湖湘青年英才),以第一或通讯作者身份在PNAS、Advanced Science、Cancer Research等杂志上发表研究性论文。




1. Hao Jiang, Yang Wang, Doudou Wen, … , Xiaotang Di, Shubing Zhang. Targeting C21orf58 is a Novel Treatment Strategy of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Disrupting the Formation of JAK2/C21orf58/STAT3 Complex.Advanced Science, 2024, (15):e2306623.

2. Shubing Zhang, Jinhua Yan, Lan He, Zhiping Jiang*,Hao Jiang*. STAT5a and SH2B3 novel mutations display malignancy roles in a triple-negative primary myelofibrosis patient.Cancer Gene Therapy, 2023, 31(3):484-494.

3. Qiao Xu, Lan He, Shubing Zhang, Xiaotang Di*,Hao Jiang*.Deubiquitinase OTUD3: a double-edged sword in immunity and disease.Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology, 2023, 11:1237530.

4. Hao Jiang#, Yilang He#, Jia Zhao#, … , Shubing Zhang*, Yuetao Zhao*. Immunostimulant nanomodulator boosts antitumor immune response in triple negative breast cancer by synergism of vessel normalization and photothermal therapy.Nano Research, 2023, 16(8): 11149-11163.

5. Samson Mugisha, Xiaotang Di, Doudou Wen, … , Shubing Zhang;Hao Jiang*. Upregulated GATA3/miR205-5p Axis Inhibits MFNG Transcription and Reduces the Malignancy of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.Cancers, 2022, 14(13): 3057.

6. Samson Mugisha, Xiaotang Di, Cyrollah Disoma,Hao Jiang*, Shubing Zhang*. Fringe family genes and their modulation of Notch signaling in cancer.Biochim Biophys Acta Rev Cancer, 2022, 1877(4):188746.

7. Hao Jiang, Huijun Cao, Ning Ma, … ; Jingjing Li*, Dong Xie*. Chromatin remodeling factor ARID2 suppresses hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis via DNMT1- Snail axis.PNAS, 2020, 117(9): 4770-4780.

8. Zhen Cai#, Zhenyu Qian#,Hao Jiang#, … , Yuezhen Deng*; Dong Xie*. hPCL3s promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by activating β-catenin signaling.Cancer Research, 2018, 78(10): 2536-2549.